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October 4, 2012
Posts: 5

PostPosted:     Post subject: Olmec
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The Olmec was the 1st civilization in the Americas and seem to have set the blueprint for it in what is now called the Americas. Where did they come from? They are thought to have flourished circa 1500 BC. Were they completely indigenous? Were they in part Kerman? Were they in part Xi? Were they a part of a Kerma - Xia trade expedition? The famous Olmec colossal heads look to be that of a Nuba wrestler. The art looks very much like that of ancient Kerma but it also has a few xia and or xi similarities. The pyramids are remarkably similar to those of Kerma. I think the overwelming similarities between Kerma and Olmec in art burial practices,architecture, engineering and more leads me to think that there is great reason to investigate these 2 great civilizations. Perhaps the Kermans fearing eventual Egyptian takeover or after the fall ventured to a new land far away from Egypt.....Southern Mexico/Belize/Honduras/Guatemala.


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March 21, 2011
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`The Norte Chico was the 1st civilzation in the Americas.

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`I'm not extremely knowledgeable about this era of history, but I've always found it fascinating to see the similarities between pyramids and other architecture of ancient Egypt and those in Central America and elsewhere in the world as if they sprang from a common source. Plato dated the destruction of Atlantis (if you believe it actually existed) to about 12,000 B.C.E., and the survivors spread across the world to found new civilizations based upon ancient Atlantean knowledge. Legends of a global deluge/catastrophe are common among many peoples, so there has to be some basis for it. For all we know at present, the crew of the Battlestar Galactica could have founded these civilizations. Some claim the structure at Lake Titicaca (I hope I spelled that right) in South America was actually part of Atlantis. Apparently, the Solutreans from Europe who supposedly crossed over to North America at the end of the last Ice Age didn't found a civilization, or it was destroyed/absorbed by later migrations of people from Asia, the ancestors of modern American Indians.

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August 14, 2013
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`There have been so many theories connecting ancient Egypt and the Americas. And although I believe that that kind of seafaring was definitely possible, the pyramid link isn't as clear cut as some might think. A noted archeologist, Bob Brier pointed out several key differences between the old and new world pyramids. His theory boils down to the natural compulsion to build as close to the sky/gods as possible, and in their time, a pyramid took them highest. As to similar dimensions, all cultures built as big as physics would allow. Without some more definitive proof, the connection is thin at best.

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